
We do not call ourselves specialists on biodiversity for nothing. Solar farms can contribute to the wellbeing of flora and fauna, when properly designed. Nature bounces back when the use of pesticides is halted, and the area can finally breathe again. In addition to this, solar farms provide a mixture of sun and shade and humans seldom cross any of its paths. Both plants and insects can roam free.

When designing our projects, we spend much deliberation on advancing local biodiversity. For instance, by leaving open space between solar panels, placing bee hives, sowing insect-friendly mixtures, and keeping fencing penetrable for small animals.

Eelerwoude landscape architects

Eelerwoude is on its way to becoming 100% nature-inclusive and is a consultancy firm that works across all three planning phases: development, design, and management. They operate with climate consciousness and are dedicated to increasing biodiversity, facilitating energy transition, and fostering a healthy living environment. Contributing to developing solar parks and batteries aligns well with these goals! Therefore, we collaborate closely with the renowned advisors at Eelerwoude, including ecologists, landscape architects, planners, and sustainability experts. This collaboration results in plans for the landscape integration of our projects, incorporating concrete measures to enhance biodiversity. Think of features like nature-friendly banks, landscape elements of native shrubs and trees, and herb-rich grasslands.
We, together with Eelerwoude, develop a long-term nature management plan. This ensures that our projects contribute positively to the environment. Our solar parks primarily consist of solar panels and herb-rich grassland within the enclosures, bordered where possible by upward-growing green edges that complement the surrounding landscape. We tailor the flower seeds to be sown according to the needs of the local flora and fauna. Which plant and animal species do we want to attract or maintain?

Mark Elshof, Eelerwoude:

"The time of vast barren expanses filled with glistening solar panels is over. Together with LC Energy, we create solar parks that deliver sustainable energy, have a positive impact on biodiversity, and sometimes also serve recreational and educational purposes. Think, for example, of keeping (feathered) livestock, placing beehives, or growing vegetables around the solar panels. Together, we ensure well-performing solar parks that landowners can be proud of and that residents appreciate."

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Levend Archief

In projects, we collaborate with Levend Archief, a foundation dedicated to preserving plant diversity. Currently, a large number of species are threatened with extinction. Levend Archief aims to safeguard these native endangered species by collecting, cultivating, and sowing the seeds in their original regions. Preserving as many plants as possible is important for diversity, which is essential for maintaining a healthy ecosystem. The seed bank serves another purpose. There are fewer and fewer insects. These insects, in particular, rely on flowers and plants. LC Energy plants the seeds during the construction of the solar fields.

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A solar park offers many more opportunities than just generating energy. The solar parks of LC Energy are accompanied by improved recognition and experience of the landscape and biodiversity enhancements. But having a good plan alone is not enough...

To truly achieve our nature-inclusive objectives, specialists in nature engineering are needed in the implementation phase. Buitenmeesters take care of the construction and maintenance of the landscape elements and utilize their knowledge and experience to maximize the natural values ​​of the design. They strive to make the plan succeed as intended, not just on paper but making a difference in the execution.

Jelle ter Braak, Buitenmeesters:

"With great passion, we are fortunate to create beautiful landscape elements in the solar parks of LC Energy, from excavating nature-friendly banks to planting various native plantings and sowing richly flowering indigenous herb mixtures. In all our choices, we weigh how we can further increase biodiversity or work more sustainably, for example, using electric equipment. It's an important development to which we are committed. It's amazing to see that it's put into practice!"

Managing and maintaining in the years to come is equally essential. We develop a concrete maintenance plan specifying when each maintenance task will occur. In the early years, we ensure that the new plantings receive sufficient water, monitor for losses, and replant if necessary. Trees and hedgerows are also pruned to prevent excessive shading on the panels. By applying this in phases, the visibility of the park remains limited, leaving enough space for nature. Because of our close involvement, we can adjust promptly. We are only satisfied when an area develops in the right way.

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