Solar park Nergena

in Bennekom





Bennekom, gemeente Ede

Project phase

Last update: 01-01-2023

The planning area mainly forms part of the young camp landscape. It is essential to preserve the parcel structures. The layout of the solar field should have a clear and straightforward form, emphasizing the parcel structure and accentuating the landscape historical structures of Huize Nergena. Along the edges, the solar field will be integrated with appropriate vegetation. After removing the solar field in 20 to 25 years, the vegetation will maintain the cultural-historical lines in the landscape. The hiking trail can also be relocated to enhance and expand the recreational networks.

  • Design
  • Permit
  • Preparation
  • Building
  • In use



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The solar park will serve as a research site for Wageningen University. Therefore, there is space within the design to vary the design of the solar tables: structures consisting of multiple solar panels connected in rows with specific lengths, widths, heights, and orientations. The height and spacing within the tables vary to investigate the effect of shading by the panels on vegetation and its impact on the soil. There is a possibility to test (semi) transparent panels alongside traditional panels as an experimental setup. The predominant orientation will be south-facing, but one table will have an east-west orientation. Various measures can be tested to optimize the distribution of runoff rainwater over the soil. Grazing sheep will manage half of the park while the other half will be mowed. The best opportunities for developing insect-attractive, flower-rich vegetation are cutting management with spatial and temporal variation. By continuously monitoring the soil, findings can be directly applied to recommendations for other solar parks in the Netherlands.

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